Evolution of fund unit value
Here you can see the evolution of ETF Energie Patria-Tradeville fund unit and its stock exchange price. To find out the value of your investment, multiply the most recent value of the fund unit in the table below (also called NAV – Net Asset Value) by the number of fund units you hold, and to determine the market value multiply the unit price on the stock exchange by the number of fund units held.
Past performance is not a forecast of future results. You should read the prospectus and key information for investors, laid down in art. 98 of GEO no. 32/2012, before investing in this fund. These are available on www.patriafonduri.ro, as well as at the authorized distributors and manager’s registered office, in Romanian language.
Date of last update: 2025-01-15
Details | |
Launch date | 22.02.2023 |
Traded on | Bursa de Valori Bucuresti |
Benchmark | Indicele BET-NG |
BVB symbol | PTENGETF |
Performance | NAV | ETF Price | BET |
Last 30 days | -0,68% | -0,98% | -0,55% |
Last 365 days | +12,35% | +11,67% | +6,55% |
Performance in 2024 | +12,54% | +11,94% | +7,04% |
Performance in 2023 | +24,00% | +24,43% | +22,34% |
Performance since lauch | +42,33% | +41,85% | +33,81% |
Indicators | |
Fund unit value - NAV (RON/unit) |
7,1165 |
Value of net assets (RON) | 23.982.614,16 |
Number of fund units | 3.370.000 |
Compositional error* | 9,91% |
*The high level of the compositional error for this fund is materially impacted by the legal provisions in force, stating that only a single issuer in the fund’s portfolio may exceed a weight of 20% in total asset. Still, in the portfolio of BET-NG, the fund’s reference index, there are two issuers that exceed the 20% weight. Thus, the weight of one of these two issuers is capped at 20% in the fund’s asset so as to comply with the applicable legal provisions.
Additional details regarding the fund and its performance may also be found on Bucharest Stock Exchange website, here.
An investment in this fund also entails risks, including the risk that targeted performance is not reached or that the investment generates a loss subject to market-specific conditions and the securities in which the fund invests. The risks of investing in the fund may also include other risks such as credit risk (occurring in relation to any receivable and consisting in the risk that debtors fail to meet, in part of in full, their obligations due to bankruptcy or other factors); liquidity risk (impacting on the return, as the lack of liquidity may trigger the sale of assets in less favorable terms); counterparty risk (risk of loss for the fund derived from the likeliness that a counterparty in a transaction fails to meet its obligations before the final settlement of the cash flow related to that transaction); operating risk (determined by possible issues due to internal processes, IT systems or external events – calamities, natural disasters etc.); or durability risk. Additional information is included in the Fund’s prospectus, key information document and other documents.